I am interested in science communication because I believe science should be for everyone. My own publications can be found here...
I am passionate about open access. I aim to push all my scientific as well as other work to GitHub. Please be patient - I'm a git newbie.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you have. I am always open for discussions and looking for new projects.
I’m a marine biologist from Norway, and hold a PhD degree in the field of kelp forest ecology. I’m currently working as a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research in Oslo (NIVA).
My book on marine debris (in Norwegian) is coming out very soon (February 2019). Exciting times!
On my personal blog you'll find PhD-hickups, tips & tricks (LaTeX, Ubuntu) and the occational reflections (mostly from vacations) :-)
I used to tweet and stuff, but then I didn't for quite a while. Then I did... and then I didn't... Now that my book is due, I plan on getting out there again...
Pixelized comments on clouds, oceans, buildings, mountains, love, hate and the life of animals and others. That's right, you just gotta love it...