Ubuntu Upgrade Trauma

May 1, 2010

This past week has been slow and easy. I suppose I should be more stressed out by the fact that I’m at the end of my fellowship. But there is no help in worrying, -certainly not at this point. I’m going at it at a steady pace and plan to put in some extra effort when I return to RUC. These past days I’ve been doing the things that I missed the most. Hugging Lars, walking Birk and fucking up my computers. I’ve been through a traumatic upgrading of Ubuntu both at work and at home. At work it led to difficulties connecting to internet. At home I managed to fuck up GRUB, but got rescued by the Ubuntu Live CD. NOTE TO SELF: I should NOT mess around with computer stuff I know absolutely nothing about…

My netbook works great though :)  – upgraded without any hickups! Ubuntu 10.4 seems great!

By the way… I use Zotero reference manager and Open Office. With the new Firefox 3.6 I banged my head against the screen for a couple of hours (-especially since I’ve been confident [stupid] enough to install 64-bits system) before I found THIS and got the sun java plugin to work again. This is a life saver.
Best HOWTO ever!!

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