Marinbiologene DA update!

Monday, April 5th, 2010
Ecology, Marine biology, Science

Today we had a breakthrough at Marinbiologene DA. The first sketchy parts of our blog was formed, and it is already starting to look promising. Next out is getting our website up and running. Really looking forward to that. The idea that brought forth this project was first conceived in 2006. It’s been on hold partly because we didn’t quite know where to begin and partly because of other work that had to be done. Our aim is to establish a base of information concerning research on marine biology in Norway, monitoring, conservation and management of our coastal systems and to educate people on the importance of caring about the marine environment. These are our first baby steps…

marinbiologene blog (in Norwegian)

Kelp Forest Ecology – Why I Bother

Sunday, March 28th, 2010
Ecology, Kelp, Science
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The kelps and their associated epiphytes are some of the most important habitat forming structures and productive areas in the marine systems. As shelter and food source they are able to support an immense number of faunal individuals. Kelps have historically dominated the rocky shores of Norway, which means along most of our 83 281 km stretch of coastline. Considering the total area of Norway (385 199 km² including Svalbard) that is… very long. However, our two most dominating kelp species are currently struggling to survive.

Laminaria hyperborea, wich dominated the wave exposed areas, have been…

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